Saturday, August 7, 2010


First run with the group and the coaching was... absent. They split us into three groups, mild, medium, and hot. I gravitated toward the woman who audibly called herself slow- er, mild.

The mild group was fast, but I kept up because I figured somebody had a plan and knew better. I kept toward the front of the mild pack and found that quite a few of us felt the pace was quite quick. A few women filled me in on the first couple weeks. It sounds like a fun group of runners who have had almost no guidance.

Since there was nobody to listen to, I decided to listen to my book, my dad, and my body, and slow down a bit. I felt much better for the last third even though I ended up running by myself between a couple sub groups of mild pack. Next time I'm going to bring music, walk one minute out of ten, and go at my own pace.

I really did feel good the whole way through though, and the course was fun. Saturdays in August are Summer Street days, which means Park Avenue is cut off to car traffic from maybe 7am-1pm. There are free bike and roller blade rentals, big water fountains, and dumpster pools and the local news reporters they attract.

We ran from Columbus Circle around the bottom of the park and up to 72nd on the east side, over to Park and down Park to the Brooklyn Bridge. Then all the way back up to 72nd, across the park there, and down to the start. We lucked into good enough weather that I didn't overheat, and I kept myself sugared up with Gu Chomp before the run and Jelly Belly Fast Energy Beans during.

I walked all the way home, picking up bagels on the way. Returned home to cinnamon challah french toast and iced coffee. An embarrassment of carboriffic riches, but this was looking like a two lunch day anyway.

Now I'm showered, in sweats and back in bed, where I belong on a Saturday morning.

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