Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Zero energy, all willpower.

I did not want to wake up this morning, much less force myself upright, into running gear, out the door, and around the resevoir. But I did. I did what I used to do in high school, where first period started at 7:20 and I had to wake up in the middle of the night to get there-- I counted down. I will lift my head and roll over and up in 60, 59, 58, 57....

I loosened up but never got that into it. It's sadly ironic that exhuastion prevents me from throwing enough into the run that it energizes me. At least I covered a few more miles and can check off another week day run.

At least I'm not one of the turtles who lives at the dirty end of the resevoir. I worry that they're being poisoned by the pollutants sitting mucky and still at the surface edges.

At least I have shoes. I hope the shoeless runners have had a recent tetanus shot.

When I hit the fifth or sixth 'at least' on my run, I know that what I really need to add to the training routine is sleep. Time to count down to Friday, also known as rest day or the day on which I get to sleep an additional hour in the morning.

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