Monday, October 18, 2010

Massage and heels

Massage, fresh sourdough and pesto pasta, and a good pair of heels.

A recipe to feel better whether or not recovering from a four hour run. A good massage the day after pushing my wall back really helps speed up the phase of limp-shuffling and 'ow'-ing every step or two around the house. Strolling the neighborhood in new running shoes made it even better, and a nightime rolling of the legs took out the last of the intense soreness.

Filling up on bread, pasta and fruit juice feels like refueling, and I'm trying to embrace and enjoy the 'you really should eat more white bread or pasta' while it lasts.

I've oddly found my two inch Cole Haan pumps to be the most comfortable thing to wear for my thirty five little trips around the office during the day. I think it's that I'm not engaging all my leg muscles since my feet are locked in a slightly-less-sharp-than-Barbie-feet angle. I'm sure it's not recommended, but it feels good and I don't care-- actually, better than flats that are less well-padded.  Sneakers to and from work Working Girl style ensure that my feet and legs are used as intended and have some time to stretch out.

I continue to feel a huge relief that I was able to get in the second 20 miler, and am very happy that my recovery has been easier than the last one.

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