Saturday, September 25, 2010

Worst run ever

Nausea by mile 0.5. I spent the next 13.5 miles half walking, half running incredibly slowly, working hard to suppress my gag reflex each time I passed anything gross looking or smelling. Like sweaty, hairy backs.

I woke up this morning tired and not in the mood to run. My shins were tight, so I had to start slowly, and my legs were still worn out from the 18 miler. I was overworked and tired all week, and on top of that (and because of it), I missed two short runs during the week, which makes me second guess how I'll do when the weekend rolls around. All of this goes to explain why after feeling craptastic in the very beginning, I completed the mileage. I was afraid that I was making up excuses to tell to myself to get out of it. Turns out, not so much.

This morning's run was much much harder than the 18 I did last weekend. Every minute was painful, and none of it was very satisfying.

The good news: I didn't fall behind on the schedule; I did the complete mileage. Also, I got to see a couple of elliptical bikes. And it's over.

I'm going to need to seriously psych myself up for 20.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had such a crappy run.
    Glad you got your crappy run out of the way.
    On to better days...
