Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Long" Run

Once the real training begins, there will be one long run per week, which is supposed to extend my endurance, and the rest of the week will just be maintenance. Saturday was my first longer run, which I did, like everything else so far, mainly to get accustomed to the pattern. I did the full Central Park loop (a bit over six miles), but with a few detours to accommodate the crowds from Revlon's Run/Walk for Women. Door to door was 80 minutes. The Revloners were finishing where I was starting, and we were circling in opposite directions; the makings of an entertaining run. I first passed the real athletes, crossing the finish line at enviable speeds, then on to people who looked to be in my range, then the speedwalkers, the walkers, and the kids stopping for ice cream. I think the breastfeeding woman deserves to have noted that her pace would put her somewhere between the speedwalkers and the walkers.

Both Saturday's and this morning's runs were quite warm and muggy. I see now that the alternative after-work running time is not very practical, but I'm enjoying the early morning light, air, and productivity.

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