Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fathers Day

Stopping and starting is hard; momentum is lost and has to be built up again. I've been writing less because I've been running less, and neither makes me feel good.

Work and the flare have zapped the energy I'd need to get myself excited about getting back into the running that had become habit, and it's being excited about the running that sends me back here.

I did have a wonderful run on Sunday with my dad, an hour around the park, with stops at every other drinking fountain to splash ourselves. The last couple times I've run, for the Corporate Challenge and my parents' visit, I got out for an experience rather than out of shoulds.

And that's what I have to do, keep getting out for other reasons, or for no reason. I like it when I do, and the whole thing becomes a virtuous cycle. I just can't handle having to handle something else.

Running was my break and I'll let it fall into that again, Thursday. Tomorrow morning is pilates.


  1. Keep it up Kate! I'm thinking about you! Sorry you've been having a hard time recently but I'm sending positive thoughts your way :-)

  2. Thanks, Linds! This week is going much better than last :)

  3. I'm very lucky to find inspiration in my child.
